Tuesday 24 June 2014

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There's a 'Spiderman' in all of us!

    Humans share certain genomic similarities with the          creepy-crawlies, finds a study.

 There's a 'Spiderman' in all of us! Researchers have for 

the first time sequenced the genome of the spider and 

found that humans share certain genomic similarities

 with the creepy-crawlies. 

Researchers at Denmark's Aarhus University and the

 Beijing Genomics Institute (BGI) worked with two types

of spiders, representing two of the three main groups in 

the spider family. One of these is a small velvet spider 

and the other is a tarantula. 

The researchers succeeded in sequencing the velvet 

spider's genome, while there are still some unsolved 

gaps in the genetic map of the tarantula. 

"The idea was that, by comparing their genetic makeup,

 we'd try to see whether we could say anything in

 general terms about what makes a spider a spider," said

 Kristian W Sanggaard from Aarhus University. 

However, it is almost 300 million years since the two 

types of spiders had a common ancestor, so the 

researchers could only find a limited number of 


"But we found a number of genes - about two to three 

hundred - that have only been found in these two types 

of spiders and not in other organisms. They could be

 candidates for genes specific to spiders," said Jesper S 

Bechsgaard, also from Aarhus University. 

Researchers also looked at the protein composition of 

silk and venom production in spiders. 

Many researchers would like greater insight into areas

 such as how the spider makes its silk of thin, but

 incredibly strong thread, and how its venom works.

By understanding the underlying mechanisms, it is

 possible to convert this to industrial use in the long

 term, for purposes such as manufacturing biomaterials 

or developing medicine and pesticides.

By describing the genome, the researchers have 

acquired a much better tool than they previously had for 

studying spiders. 

The researchers now intend to use the genome for 

further work with studies of the spider's digestive 

enzymes and immune system. 

The study is published in the journal Nature



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